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Darkness to Wellness Community Chat

Healing can be a lonely process. 

As you work on your self-development and are focused on healing parts of yourself that you had no idea existed, you may receive comments from friends, family members, and colleagues such as “wow, you have changed”. If anyone says that to you, you know what I want you to reply with. “You’re damn right. We are supposed to change.” BECAUSE WE ARE! 

Could you imagine ten year old Stef coaching you. Let alone twenty year old Stef, when she did not know who the fuck she was and didn’t even have an ounce of love for herself. 


Remember, there are many Divine reasons why people enter your life.

We do not want to discount that or the relationships that you did have with them

Some people are meant to be in your life for a season, as rough as that is. 

It is okay for you to grow. 

You may recognize that you don’t mesh well with your friends anymore. Their acts aren’t in alignment with who you are now. Maybe your family doesn’t understand who you are now and do not make the time to understand you. 

Maybe you recognize that you are the only person checking in on others, yet no one is checking on you. 

Listen, I am here to tell you that stuff is not cool. Shit, maybe you have even been receiving backhanded compliments. Seriously, not cute! 

I understand, I’ve been there. I have friends tell me that I am too positive and that it must be fake. I have had people ask me to stop posting on social media because it makes them uncomfortable. 

I have had friendships that have been one-sided. I would know all about their lives but if someone were to ask them what is going on in their friends life, they would not have an answer. I have had people try to stop me from pursing my dreams. Back in 2019, I had family try to prevent me from going full-time with Darkness To Wellness, because it wasn’t safe. 

Listen, misery loves company. Most of the time what people say or tell you is not about you, it is all about them. It is easy for others to project their fears on to others. 

Rather than getting angry or frustrated, let’s practice unconditional love. Let us love them from afar as we continue to grow and embrace who we are and who want to become. 

I love being a safe space for others while aiding them on their healing journey of self-discovery, self-love, reprograming their subconscious mind, and creating the life the desire. 

With that being said, I am being called to expand my energy and be a safe space for a sacred community. I will now be hosting a monthly donation based virtual community. This is an hour of free space to share about your successes, your growth, while receiving a quick grounding meditation lead by myself and a journal prompt or two to help expand your growth. 

Remember, energy is everything! When you surrounded by those who lift and empower you, you raise your vibration, when you raise your vibration you level up into that version of yourself that you dream of. 

If you are interested in joining message me and I will provide you the private link. 


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